Miami: Risteilyseikkailu: Star Island & Skyline 90 min!

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Unleash the Magic of Star Island & Miami's Skyline on a Fun 90-min Cruise! See Celebrity Homes, the Miami Skyline, Venetian Islands and much more! Yes, we have the Mojito Bar on Board! Are you ready?

Parhaat kokemuksemme ja kierrokset kohteessa Miami:
Jos varaat matkaasi kohteeseen Miami viime hetkellä, meillä on sinulle tarjolla. Tässä muutamia top-kierroksia ja kokemuksia!
Näytä kaikki kokemukset


  • Rentoudu ja rentoudu Miamin taivaanrannan kauneutta ihaillessasi.
  • Opi oppaaltasi kaupungin historiasta ja julkkisten kodeista.
  • Ainoa Miamin veneretki, jossa on Mojito-baari laivalla - Parhaat juomat Biscayne Baylla
  • Nauti veneestä, jossa on mukavat istuimet ja mojitobaari.
  • Purjehdi ohi maamerkkien, kuten Venetsialaisten saarten ja Miamin sataman, ohi.


Are you ready to unlock the Secrets of Miami and experience its dazzling beauty from a whole new perspective? Our exhilarating 90-minute Miami boat tour whisks you away on an unforgettable adventure, cruising the turquoise waters of Biscayne Bay and revealing the iconic landmarks that make Miami a global sensation. Departing from the vibrant Bayside Marketplace, your journey begins as Miami's bustling skyline fades into the distance. Prepare to be captivated by the star power of Star Island, where luxurious mansions owned by celebrities and business moguls line the shores. Imagine cruising past the extravagant estates, picturing the lives of the rich and famous who call this island paradise home. Maybe you'll even catch a glimpse of a Yacht belonging to a music icon or a Hollywood A-lister! Next, we set sail towards the enchanting Venetian Islands, Hibiscus Island, the Port of Miami, Miami Beach, South Beach, the Miami Skyline and the beautiful Miami River Skyline, where you will witness the beauty of the entrance of the Miami River. Our 90 minute sightseeing Miami Boat tour adventure, continues as we glide past Palm Island, an exclusive haven for Celebrities seeking privacy amidst the Tropical landscape. Palm Island exudes a sense of tranquility, offering a stark contrast to the vibrant energy of Miami Beach. Imagine spotting a secluded beach where a renowned director might be seeking inspiration, or a private dock where a Billionaire is preparing for a Yacht getaway. But there's more! Our journey takes you past the luxurious Enclave of Fisher Island, a private island renowned for its opulent estates and pristine beaches. Imagine yourself basking in the lap of luxury, surrounded by unparalleled beauty. Who knows, you might even spot a celebrity chef enjoying a day at the beach, or a world-famous athlete taking a jog along the shoreline. As we cruise back towards Bayside Marketplace, prepare to be awestruck by the breathtaking panorama of Miami's skyline. Towering skyscrapers pierce the sky, their sleek glass facades reflecting the golden rays of the sun. This dazzling display of modern architecture is a testament to Miami's dynamic spirit. Our tour wouldn't be complete without showcasing the bustling Port of Miami, one of the busiest cruise ports in the world. Imagine the colossal cruise ships docked at the harbor, embarking on journeys to exotic destinations. Witness the energy and excitement that pulsates through this vital hub of international travel. Perhaps you'll catch a glimpse of a luxurious liner setting sail for the Caribbean islands, or a colossal vessel about to embark on a world cruise. This 90-minute adventure is perfect for everyone! Families will create lasting memories as they explore Miami's hidden gems and iconic landmarks. Couples can enjoy a romantic escape, soaking in the breathtaking views and sipping refreshing mojitos from our Onboard bar (yes, we have one!). So, what are you waiting for? Book Now!


Sightseeing boat tour Bilingual guide English & Spanish tour Mojito Bar on Board

Important Information

  • Veneretkiä ei peruta sään vuoksi

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